Regular channels to enter in the Netherlands
October 04, 2016

You want to apply to visit or live in the Netherlands. You want to ask for asylum or you are applying for citizenship. You have to apply to the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).
The Immigration and Naturalisation Service is part of the ministry of Security and Justice and is responsible for the execution of migration policy. As such the IND decides on all applications of foreign nationals who whish to stay in the Netherlands or wish to become Dutch citizens.
Tasks of the IND
The IND is an agency of the Ministry of Security and Justice. The IND implements the Aliens Act and the Netherlands Nationality Act on behalf of the State Secretary for Security and Justice. This means that the IND assesses all residence permit applications of people who intend to live in the Netherlands or who want to obtain Dutch citizenship. Implementing the policy on foreign nationals also involves effective supervision and visible enforcement. The IND works with a number of government institutions to prevent any misuse of procedures. Any indications of fraud are analysed. By expressly enforcing the rules, the IND sends out a clear message that fraud will not be tolerated.
The IND's tasks are as follows:
• Regular residence. Handling applications for residence permits for living, working and studying in the Netherlands.
• Visas: Handling applications for a short stay visa.
• Asylum: Handling asylum applications from foreign nationals requesting protection from the Dutch government against e.g.persecution in their country of origin.
• Naturalisation: Handling applications for Dutch citizenship.
• Legal representation: Explaining the IND's decision to the court.
• Specialist expertise: Possessing knowledge in the field of, for example, documents and countries.
• Enforcement: Preventing any misuse of procedures and analysing signs of fraud.
A fair policy
The policy on foreign nationals is needed to properly process the influx of foreign nationals. The Dutch policy on foreign nationals is fair. Not everyone can reside in the Netherlands or acquire Dutch citizenship, but there is always room for refugees that need protection.
the rules are democratically established through the Dutch parliament. The State Secretary for Security and Justice is responsible for implementing them.
Careful and quick
The IND assesses each application in accordance with the complex rules established in the policy on foreign nationals. The policy on foreign nationals and its implementation have a considerable impact. Therefore it must be implemented with care, focusing on the personal situation of the persons submitting the application. This is done using:
• Transparent rules;
• Short procedures;
• An objective assessment of the application.
The IND works closely with cooperating organisations, other authorities and organisations such as the police, the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (KMar), the Repatriation and Departure Service (DT&V), the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) and the International Organisation for Migration (IOM).
The IND also operates in conjunction with educational institutions, businesses and (international) organisations.
More information about these partners can be found on and in the corporate brochure.
If you have to present a request, ask for informations or for consultancy you can contact The Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service...
By email: e-mailform.
By telephone: 088 0430 430 From abroad, you can call +31 88 0430 430.
In person at one of our 8 desks: Find the 8 IND Desk locations.
By post at:
Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst
Postbus 287
For more informations go to the IND web page