Regular channels to enter in France
October 17, 2016

You want to apply to visit or live in France. You want to ask for asylum or you are applying for citizenship. You have to apply to the French General Foreigners Office.
The French General Foreigners Office (DGEF)
Created by the Decree of 12 August 2013 and amended by the Decree of 21 December 2015, the French General Foreigners Office deals with all matters regarding foreign nationals to improve the management of public policies affecting them.
DGEF acts in many areas involved in immigration. It is responsible for:
• visa regulations,
• general rules on entry, residence and employment of foreign nationals in France,
• the fight against irregular immigration, illegal work and document fraud,
• hospitality and support for newly arrived foreigners
• access to French nationality.
DGEF implements guidelines set by the Interior Minister, prepares documents and oversees their application. It monitors public actions. It also prepares and implements the budget of the "Immigration, Asylum and Integration" ministerial mission which includes two programs: 104 "Integration and access to French nationality" and 303 "Immigration and Asylum".
DGEF works in cooperation with other ministries and departments, including the services of justice, foreign affairs, social affairs and labor.
To carry out these activities, DGEF has 6 departments and services with a total of more than 500 agencies located in Paris and the Loire-Atlantique.
Apply for residence permit
• CEE citizens and members of their family
Family reunion
• You have a residence permit of less than one year,
• If you have a residence card for highly skilled workers, researchers and scientists
• If you are a refugee and want to apply for family reunification.
Travel documents for minor foreigners
• Request a travel document for foreign minors
Access for French Citizenship
You can ask the French Nationality by a declaration if you are:
• Married with a French citizen
• Brother or sister of a French Citizen
In the other cases you can ask French Citizenship by decree.
You can also accede to the site, vous where you can ask to informations about différent services and offices of the DGEF.