Reintegration Projects for West African Migrants
March 30, 2017

Photo: IOM
Niger - IOM Niger is launching 20 community-based reintegration projects for over 3,000 returning migrants in five of the primary countries of origin – Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Guinea Conakry and Cameroon – with support from the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa and as part of the Migrant Response and Resource Mechanism (MRRM).
These activities will be carried out between March and September 2017, the implementation time estimated for the reintegration projects. An additional 3,000 members of local communities will benefit from these projects.
The Migrant Resource and Response Mechanism (MRRM) programme aims to contribute to the improvement of security and stability in Niger through the development of a comprehensive approach to managing mixed migratory flows.
The objectives of the programme are to provide direct assistance to migrants in transit centres and along migratory routes, and to support the sustainable and effective socioeconomic reintegration of migrants in their countries of origin.
The community-based reintegration activities will reinforce existing community development initiatives by placing migrants and potential migrants at the centre of the project, and by providing returning migrants, assisted by IOM Niger, with the possibility of engaging in the development of their own towns and villages.
Source: for more info read the IOM-Niger press release