Regular channels to enter in Sweden
September 29, 2016

You want to apply to visit or live in Sweden. You want to ask for asylum or you are applying for citizenship. You have to apply to the Swedish Migration Agency.
In Sweden, the Migration Agency is the authority that considers applications from people who want to take up permanent residence in Sweden, come for a visit, seek protection from persecution or become Swedish citizens.
The Swedish Migration Agency
The Swedish Migration Agency is led by a Director-General and consists of operational activities divided into six regions, a quality department, a head office and a number of independent functions.
The organisation that processes applications for residence permits is divided into different processes: Coming to Sweden, Staying in Sweden, Becoming a Swedish Citizen, Needing Protection and Returning. The process of Residence and Support handles accommodation and organised activities for asylum seekers.
It is important that people who have contact with the Agency obtain the guidance and service that they need, from when their application is submitted and throughout the whole of the subsequent process. Our intention is that good service and treatment will be part of all our activities. For this reason we also have a special process for applicant services.
The Quality Department is responsible for the development and quality assurance of the above processes.
The Mission of the Migration Agency
One of the Migration Agency's tasks is to consider applications from people who want to take up permanent residence in Sweden, visit, seek protection from persecution or get Swedish citizenship.
In Sweden, the Migration Agency is the authority that considers applications from people who want to take up permanent residence in Sweden, visit, seek protection from persecution or get Swedish citizenship.
In the reception of refugees, the Migration Agency provides housing and money for food to asylum-seekers, while they wait for a decision in their asylum case. When a refugee is granted a residence permit in Sweden, we give compensation from the state to the municipalities and county councils. If the application of an asylum-seeker is rejected, the Migration Agency is actively involved in the process of having this person leave Sweden.
Once a foreign national has been granted a residence permit in Sweden, it is primarily the job of the Swedish municipalities and county councils, along with the Swedish Public Employment Services, to be involved in the integration with Swedish society.
An expression of the swedish democracy
The Swedish Migration Agency is commissioned by parliament and government, who set the Swedish asylum and migration policy. We are thus commissioned by the Swedish people, through the politicians who make decisions on migration policy.
The Agency is to apply the regulations that the citizens, through their elected representatives, have decided should apply when it comes to migration. Every year we get appropriation directives from the government, stating objectives and commissions, and how much money the Migration Agency may spend.
The government's goals for the Swedish Migration Agency:
The goal is to ensure a long-term, sustainable migration policy that safeguards asylum rights and, within the framework of regulated immigration, facilitates mobility across borders and promotes a needs-driven labour immigration, while utilising and considering the development effects of migration, and furthering European and international cooperation.
How to take contact with the Swedish Migration Agency?
Foreign citizens, migrants, asylum seekers who nee to present an application, get informations or assistance can take contact with the Swedish Migration Agency in different ways :
Direct contact
By going directly to one of the offices of the Immigration agency:
- Address in Stockholm and region: Pyramidvägen 2 A, Solna
Opening hours: Monday–Friday 08.30–17.00 Saturday–Sunday 08.30–15.00
- In other cities of the country, click here to find the nearest Immigration Agency to your résidence.
By a phone call
If you want you can also call the Swedish Migration Agency
When you call, you can choose to talk to customer services or switchboard. Customer services can answer questions regarding ongoing cases as well as general questions.
Telephone number +46 771 235 235 From Sweden 0771-235 235
Telephone hours: Monday–Friday 08.00–16.00
By email
Click here to write an email to the Swedish Migration Agency
For more information:
Go to the official page of the Migration Agency